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2017-18 NSSU-ICCE Coach Developer Programmes

Coach Developer Programme:

Programme Overview:

The NSSU Coach Developer Academy (NCDA) was established as part of the Japanese government project, ‘Sport for Tomorrow’. ‘Sport for Tomorrow’s’ central aim is to make an international contribution through sports. Driving by a vision of creating coaching cultures that lead to positive experiences for everyone through sport, the mission of NCDA is to foster future international coach development talent and a community of coach developers across the world. To do this NCDA helps current and future international coach developers to become more effective facilitators, coach assessors, mentors and program designers. Proudly partnering with the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), the programme offers a blended learning experience, including two one-week residentials at NSSU in Tokyo (compulsory), alongside e-learning and on-line support to aid and support candidates application of learning and professional practice.

We invite practitioners working across the sporting contexts (national systems, coaching organizations, national and international sporting federations, and universities) to join our 2017–2018 programme and:

• Become part of a global network of coach developers striving to enhance the quality of coaching at all levels

• Develop your skills in facilitation, coach assessment, programme design and mentoring

• Improve your coach education programmes, your coaches, and your coaching system

Programme Timeline:

Pre-residential on-line programme:  August 2017 (approximately 3-5 hours on your own time)


Week1 Residential programme: Sunday, September 10th to Friday, September15th, 2017 at NSSU

Mid-programme application of learning: October ~ January:  

   course facilitation and coach assessment in your own programme
Week2 Residential programme: Friday, Feb 16 to Friday, Feb 23, 2018 at NSSU
Post-residential programme: March-April, 2018 (portfolio completion)

Number of Place: 12

Language: English

Venue: Setagaya campus, Nippon Sport Science University 

7-1-1 Fukasawa, Setagaya, Tokyo, 158-8508, Japan

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Programme Pre-requisites:

・You have experience in the education of coaches and are highly motivated to be a leader in this field now and in t he future

・You have a written recommendation from your federation, coaching organization or university
・You have completed a Bachelor degree (in any field) or equivalent
・You have sufficient command of English to participate in classes and lead small group discussions and activities
・You can commit to attend both one week courses and the home-study elements of the programme (including conducting and reporting on your coach development practice between week one and week two).
・You are in agreement with the aims and vision of the academy

Subsidy and Costs:

Programme Fee:
¥30,000 JPY [approx. $270USD] (to be paid upon successful acceptance into the programme)
Expenses covered by NCDA:   
- Course materials
- Round trip economy class flights to Japan to attend the two residentials 
*NCDA will only fund economy tickets on the shortest return flight route to Tokyo from a nominated departure airport. Extensions and/or open jaw tickets are NOT available (unless at the expense of the participant)*
- Airport transfers to NSSU Setagaya campus
- Bed and breakfast at the NSSU Setagaya campus.

※ For Japanese participants and participants from within Japan, different conditions might be applied. For further detail, please contact us via E-mail.

Application process

1. Applications can be made electronically through our secure application system.


2. The call for applications will close at 5pm GMT on 5th May 2017.

3. Applications will be submitted to the committee for shortlisting. Interviews over skype may be conducted if clarifications are required.

4. Notification to candidates (both successful and unsuccessful) will be made via email by 5th June 2017.

How to Apply

Entry Deadline: At 5pm GMT May 5, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 2017
Selection Process: A joint committee of NSSU and ICCE will select successful applicants.
For More Detail: Please contact NSSU Coach Developer Academy Office


Call for Applications 2017-18 program

-Successfully Closed

Advanced Coach Developer Programme:

A few qualified coach developers can apply to take the Master Coach Developer programme, which will be held around the periods of Coach Developer programmes both in September and February. For more information, please contact us.

© 2014-2017 by Nippon Sport Science University CDA, All rights reserved

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